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Le prix initial était : د.ت100.000.Le prix actuel est : د.ت70.000.

vinaigre de figue de barbarie biologique (Pack 05)

vinaigre de figue de barbarie biologique

Le prix initial était : د.ت100.000.Le prix actuel est : د.ت70.000.

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Vinaigre de figue de barbarie biologique (Pack 05)

Le vinaigre de figue de barbarie biologique (prickly pear vinegar) de herbalya est fabriqué selon un procédé naturel, sans aucun aditif chimique ou accélérateur.

Le vinaigre de figue de barbarie a plusieurs vertus thérapeutiques :

  • Aide minceur par excellence par l’effet coupe-faim.
  • Il facilite également la digestion et le transit intestinal et lutte contre les ballonnements et les ulcères.
  • Doté de vertus drainantes et antioxydantes.
  • Il aide à brûler les graisses et à éliminer les toxines.
  • Reconnu par ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires,
  • Pouvoir régulateur de cholestérol
  • Effet antidiabétique.
  • Il réduit le stress oxydatif et la fatigue.
  • En cosmétique, il permet de revitaliser vos cheveux et leur donner de l’éclat.

Notre vinaigre a obténue une medaille de bronz au concours de produits de terroir 2021

Properties and benefits of organic prickly pear vinegar:

Herbalya prickly pear vinegar [herbaslim] has many benefits which make it the most popular in its category. As a matter of a fact, this vinegar helps in the losing weight process by making you feel full and lowers both blood sugar and cholesterol levels, ergo, the reduction of diabetes and heart diseases risks.

Herbalya prickly pear vinegar is made using a natural process without any chemical additives or accelerators. The most effective of all vinegars, it has several therapeutic virtues : slimming aid par excellence through the appetite suppressant effect. It also aids digestion and intestinal transit and fights bloating and ulcers. With draining and  antioxidant properties , helps burn fat and  eliminate toxins . Recognized for its   anti-inflammatory properties , its cholesterol regulating power and its effectantidiabetic. It reduces stress and fatigue. In cosmetics, it revitalizes your hair and gives it shine.

Herbalya prickly pear vinegar contains extraordinary properties that fight against overweight :

  • Prickly pear vinegar improves digestion and makes your stomach deflate.
  • It forces the fat cells to empty.
  • Prickly pear vinegar forces the body to burn more fat, even at rest.
  • It captures the water trapped in the tissues to allow the body to eliminate it.
  • Prickly pear vinegar contains amino acids that regulate appetite and prevent the nervousness that often hinder the success of a weight loss program.

Therapeutic virtues of prickly pear vinegar : 

Use :

Dilute a measuring cap in half a liter of lukewarm water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, then repeat half an hour before lunch and dinner. For a period of 2 to 3 months.

Composition :

rich in trace elements (calcium, sulfur, iron, silicon, boron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium,fluorine, sodium), pectin, vitamins enzymes and essential amino acides.

About herbalya natural care

Our company is manufacturer in tunisia, having three years of experience in planting and processing cactus opuntia ficus indiça.
In our own company we harvest and process from organically certified fields, certified by ecocert, ab, and usda to deliver the best quality opuntia extracts for cosmetic , nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical industries.

We have 95 hectares certified in organic farming by ecocert, ab and usda. We participate in the socioeconomic development of our region and this in 68 women organized under the agricultural development groups of the region and the farmers themselves.

Our processing plant is located in a wide green area away from pollution, assuring the best environment to produce pure opuntia extracts using german technology and following the international standard gmp, good manufacture practices
we produce and distribute our products in tunisia and have been exporting them to several countries in europe of which the most important france.

organic prickly pear vinegar

disponible en pack de 03 flacons:

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